Binding aerial images obtained by an unmanned aircraft vehicle to other images and maps
2022, vol.14 , no.3, pp. 37-46
Article [2022-03-04]
The development of surveillance instruments allows obtaining images of the one and same object or area of earth surface that have been taken at different times and with different sensors. The analysis of such images requires the use of geometric transformation to align them. In the paper the use of affine transformation for synthesized aperture radar (SAR) images aligning and the use of projective transformation to register an image to the coordinate system of a map is studied. Aligning of images to maps allows using a map of the area as a reference image instead an orthoimage of this area.
spatial transformation of images, affine transformation, image processing, maps
Teodora Petrova, Zhivo Petrov. Binding aerial images obtained by an unmanned aircraft vehicle to other images and maps. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security, vol.14 , no.3, 2022, pp. 37-46.