The method of accounting for scattering errors by the method of fuzzy sets in strength models of radio elements mounted on printed circuit boards of electronic devices
2022, vol.14 , no.3, pp. 59-66
Article [2022-03-06]
The problem of taking into account uncertainty factors in the form of variations of the initial physical, mechanical and geometric parameters in the mathematical modeling of resonant elastic vibrations of radio elements attached to circuit boards at the terminals is considered. The aim of the study is to obtain updated data on the values of the output parameters of the output operation time in the mode of occurrence of resonant oscillations and the number of cycles of resonant oscillations before destruction. To solve the problem under consideration, an approach is proposed based on the introduction of fuzzy-interval descriptions for its non-contrasting initial parameters. As a result of the implementation of the developed method in the form of decompositions over α-level sets, representations are obtained for calculating fuzzy-multiple endogenous parameters of the model in relation to various forms of resonant vibrations of radio elements in the case of rigid pinning of the pins on the board.
circuit boards of electronic devices, strength models of radio elements, radio elements fixed on the leads, resonance elastic vibrations, fuzzyset technique, heuristic principle of generalization
V. E. Bolnokin, A. F. Kaperko, S. A. Sorokin, V. I. Storozhev, S. V. Storozhev. The method of accounting for scattering errors by the method of fuzzy sets in strength models of radio elements mounted on printed circuit boards of electronic devices. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security, vol.14 , no.3, 2022, pp. 59-66.