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Digital Age and Personal Data Protection

2022, vol.14 , no.3, pp. 89-100

Article [2022-03-09]

Radi Romansky

The contemporary digital age is characterized by the significant informatization of society and the increasing role of technologies in people's lives, which leads to a change in their behaviour. This is related not only to social communications and free remote access to different information, but also to the virtualization and intellectualization of various processes based on cloud and mobile cloud computing, Internet of Tings, smart home & city, Big Data Analytics, etc. All this raises the question of how users' privacy is ensured and who takes care of the protection of their personal data in the global network space. Answers to such questions is the task of this book. In this respect, a summary of special features of informatization as a basis for the development of the modern information society based on the technologies of the digital age is made. The role of information technology as a tool for the implementation of public and business processes in data processing, including personal data, is considered. Ensuring adequate data protection requires application of the principles of information security and fulfilment of the requirements of the legal framework of personal data protection. The structural and technological organization of data protection requires the development of a policy and strategy for the implementation of organizational and technological means to ensure compliance with the requirements of the GDPR. However, regardless of the measures taken, it is necessary for users of services in the digital space to have the necessary level of digital literacy, which requires knowledge of the specifics of technology and especially the possible problems for privacy and personal data protection which are discussed in the last chapter of this book.


Digital world, Digital technologies, Privacy, Personal Data Protection, Problems for privacy, Information society, Data Security

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Citation of this article:

Radi Romansky. Digital Age and Personal Data Protection . International Journal on Information Technologies and Security, vol.14 , no.3, 2022, pp. 89-100.