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Preliminary organization of virtual network based on program monitoring

2024, vol.16 , no.3, pp. 111-120

Article [2024-03-11]

Radi Romansky

Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) is a logical organization of communication resources and objects for maintaining efficient information processes based on network traffic. It is known that in the contemporary global network, traffic can be generated from various physical sources, which requires preliminary analysis and adequate management with the provision of the necessary information security. In this aspect, the proposed paper presents an opportunity to analyse supported network traffic in a virtual network environment by using program monitoring. In the computer field, various products are offered for measurement of parameters of information processes, including network communications. In this sense, a preliminary review of the main features of network traffic was conducted and possible solutions for the organization of adequate program measurement of parameters of information processes were discussed.


virtual network, program monitoring, information processes, analysis


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Citation of this article:

Radi Romansky . Preliminary organization of virtual network based on program monitoring. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security, vol.16 , no.3, 2024, pp. 111-120.