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A neural network-based collaborative filtering model for social recommendation systems

2024, vol.16 , no.3, pp. 27-36

Article [2024-03-03]

Aadil Alshammari
Rakan Alanazi

The exponential rise in the popularity of social networks in recent years has led to a corresponding surge in online data, creating a vast pool of information. This growing dataset has captivated the interest of researchers, compelling them to devise recommendation algorithms designed to navigate through this immense sea of data to establish meaningful friendships. Despite the success of CF, there is a notable gap in the related research, as deep learning’s potential to generate friendship recommendations in social networks using CF has been neglected. This paper seeks to fill this gap by introducing a novel, collaborative friendship recommendation system. The proposed system leverages the power of Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) to offer users a platform for discovering new friends who are highly likely to engage interactively. To underscore the effectiveness of our model, we present experimental results using a real dataset, showcasing the system’s capability to deliver accurate and valuable friend recommendations


neural networks, friend recommendation, collaborative filtering


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Citation of this article:

Aadil Alshammari, Rakan Alanazi. A neural network-based collaborative filtering model for social recommendation systems . International Journal on Information Technologies and Security, vol.16 , no.3, 2024, pp. 27-36.