CNN based multi-label image classification for presentation recommender system
2024, vol.16 , no.4, pp. 73-84
Article [2024-04-07]
Recommender systems are super popular nowadays for giving personalized recommendations to users. The paper focuses on a special type of recommender system aimed to advise an improvement of a user’s presentation based on slides classification. Classification is a fundamental task in information extraction and retrieval with a goal to assign given resource to a predefined class. In some cases, as in slides’ categorization, resources can belong to multiple classes, leading to a multi-labelled classification problem. Two different approaches for solving a multi-labelled image classification problem for the purpose of a presentation recommender system are suggested and evaluated in the paper. They are based on problem transformation and algorithm adaptation strategies and utilize a convolutional neural network for model training.
multi-labelled classification, image classification, convolutional neural network, recommender system
Maria Vlahova-Takova, Milena Lazarova. CNN based multi-label image classification for presentation recommender system. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security, vol.16 , no.4, 2024, pp. 73-84.